I have to apologize to my fans about my lack of updates.
Bad news: No post in over a month.
Good news: I’m too occupied with my life to write posts.
Wait, what?! Too busy???
That’s right folks. I am way too busy for my own good. For me, that means Life is Working Out.
For those who know me and know me well know I have a tendency to take every task known to mankind and make it part of my weekly schedule. It comes to a point where I spread myself too thin and I still don’t have the guts to say “No” when asked to do take on another activity.
It was roughly a month ago when I was tired of waking up and sitting at my computer looking for jobs. I decided to throw myself back into the one thing I embraced while growing up: cross country. I contacted my high school coach and asked: “COACH – do you need help with the XC team?!” to which he responded “YES.” I am now an assistant coach and LOVE the team.
After being rejected from too many places, I finally received an internship with The Old Globe Theatre here as a Stage Management Intern. WHOOO. Unpaid, but I don’t care; it’s the experience that matters. The internship begins in December.
The next step was to find something that could fill my time from September to December. So I went to the second place that held fond memories from the past: my school CDS. I attended that place from an immature and obnoxious 2nd grader to become the stunning famous H-Ko I am today. After a few emails and resumes, I had a meeting with the Dean for a substitute teacher position. BAM – I was on.
Of course the first two subjects I subbed for were the two subjects I stayed miles away from in college: Math & Science. My left brain had a freak out when it was told to study statistics, algebra, and the definition of mass. Thank god the students thought I was a genius.
On top of subbing, I am tutoring violin (an instrument I haven’t touched since graduating high school), and of course – decided to be an assistant director and stage manager for a community theater. Oh, did I mention I’m taking Spanish, Oil Painting, and Improvisation??
I have no days off. But hey, it’s what I asked for and it’s what I want. So personally I am very, very happy.
Here is my advice: If you are stuck at home – GET YOURSELF OUT THERE.
1) Think about what made you happy growing up, and put yourself in a position where you can be involved in it now.
2) Think about what made you happy in college, and find classes/jobs relevant to it.
I found my life aspiration this past month. But just because I'm not doing the exact aspiration doesn't mean that I'm lost. I am being proactive with activities that are relevant and meaningful. They provide stepping stones towards what I want to accomplish. It's AWESOME.
If you feel lost – I recommend you grab a piece of paper and a pencil. Make a list of your strengths, then make a list of what you want to learn in life. Then think about this: How do you apply your strengths to what you want to learn?? This can help you see your ultimate Life Aspiration (I owe this to Krups).
Here is my example:
Strengths & Skills – Team leadership, Motivation, Learning/Understanding different perspectives, Giving advice/Mentoring, Enthusiasm, Teaching theater, Athleticism, Open-mindedness, Creativity
Want to Learn – Different Cultures, Anthropology, Theater in all aspects, International groups/societies/cultures, How art can bring out the best in an individual, How people’s environment affect their upbringing and views.
Life Aspiration (by putting the two together) – I want to provide leadership development for youth in international countries through theater, athletics, and hands-on activities.
So – YOUR TURN. What did you come up with??